I would like to suggest a second set of 3R’s for this season of our lives: Remember, Record and Reconnect.
Grateful Journal Finished, Grateful Journey Continues
As I read through the entries and scribbles, my heart began to melt. I remembered the various moments of joy, gratefulness and sorrow.
How Grace remembers
Enough to give you heartburn…
The bottom line here is to stay as informed as possible, and if you do experience heartburn, try to take the smallest dose possible to get relief.
He didn’t suddenly change winter to spring, He simply made something beautiful blossom in the middle of it. He didn’t change Mama’s winter season of life, but He brought Amy to blossom in the middle of it.
And a little child shall lead them
She toddled over to one of the residents, smiled and reached her hand out to grab her walker. It was as if she put a nickel in the older lady.
Drink up…habits worth brewing
So, the bottom line here is: If you, or those in your care enjoy a nice cup of coffee or tea, it’s fine to include it as part of your daily habit. And, as the studies suggest, it can be part of a healthy lifestyle.
De-mystifying De-list-ifying
It is up to us to keep our loved ones as safe as we can from those who would try to prey on their emotions through sales pitches.
Who are you?
Another person in the class said that they had heard it put that, “We are who we are, and as we age, we become more so.”
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Staying connected and taking part in activities helps a person with dementia feel less isolated.