While my Dad was still alive, he and my Mama lived in a cute little cottage in the country. Over time, my Dad developed Parkinson’s disease, and Mama was beginning to show increasing signs of dementia. Our family – my sister, husband, and I did as much as we could for them as they needed – without trying to take over and completely run their lives.
Along with cooking and cleaning, one of the biggest struggles they had was with their medication. They increasingly lost the answers to questions such as: When to take which medications, and how much? How often? When and where to get more?
Give Chair Aerobics A Work-Out for Better Health
When I was younger – not even that long ago – whenever anyone mentioned Chair Aerobics, I usually envisioned a group of elderly folks sitting on chairs arranged in a circle holding pool noodles and swatting at a balloon to keep it airborne. Turns out, I was mistaken.
Chair aerobics is getting far better press now than in the past. More and more senior centers are offering classes that strive to include folks with all levels of ability. You can even stand to do the workout. Most classes run ½ hour to an hour and are designed to provide folks with a good workout without needing machines or heavy weights.
Finding Community Is Good For Us Like A Medicine
Do you remember the old theme song from the TV show, Cheers written by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart-Angelo? “…sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. You want to be where you can see, troubles are all the same, you want to be where everybody knows your name.” The writers really hit on something – as the song immediately became an iconic sentiment for the universal desire to belong. There is something so wonderful about walking into a place and watching someone’s eyes light up with recognition and joy that you are there. On the other hand, there is something quite heart-wrenching about walking through your day virtually invisible and un-greeted by those around you.
Reduce Your Dementia Risk in 2024
Over the last few years, quite a bit of attention has been paid to the subject of dementia. The information has included ways to reduce your risk, as well as lifestyles that may contribute to cognitive decline. I originally began this blog back in 2015 as a kind of continuation of the stories collected in a book I wrote about our family’s experience with my Mama when she had dementia. The book shares our family’s quest to help her find joy in the journey and finish well. As time has passed, I find myself and those around me – especially caregivers, becoming more interested in ways they can lower their own risk.
Finding Joy at Christmas Despite Dementia
Even though this is supposed to be “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, when you are a caregiver for a loved one with dementia, celebrating Christmas can become challenging.
When my Mama, who had dementia for well over a decade was in the early stages of the disease, she was still aware of seasons and most holidays. As time went on, she became less so. Dementia stole her ability to look forward to Christmas, birthdays, or any other previously meaningful day or time of the year. The pages turned on the calendar, but her days remained the same.
Give Identity and Dignity to those with Dementia
“Who are you?” No, that is not the person with dementia asking. If your loved one moves to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Care Home, their past may be virtually a blank slate. Perhaps this question comes from a compassionate CNA or other health care worker, or even one of the other various persons who are now engaging in your loved one’s life.
Olive Oil offers many health benefits – plus flavor!
What does a small city in northern California have in common with several Mediterranean countries? Olives! More specifically, olive oil.
Having lived in an olive-growing region most of our lives has allowed us to develop a certain fondness for high-quality olive oil.
80 Years & Counting – The Adventures Continue
It is refreshing to discover that in a world filled with stories about dementia – living with it, caring for folks who have it, or actively trying to lower their own risk, there are still folks who remain sharp and vibrant as they reach 80 years of age. A good friend of mine, D’Lorah Hurton, just threw a fantastic 80th birthday party for one such octogenarian – her father-in-law.
D’Lorah and I have been friends for over 50 years. During a recent visit, I learned that she had not only put together quite the celebration for her father-in-law’s big day, but she also recorded his life history – complete with photos. She has graciously agreed to post his story on this blog. Enjoy his journey.
A Prescription for the Heart: Visit, Reminisce, Repeat
It is a beautiful, cool summer morning. Our last day of vacation in Northern California. Sitting at the table, I see nature being active through the window. A pair of white-breasted nuthatches chase each other down and up the tree, while several butterflies flit and fly all around the enormous agapanthus flowers drawn in by their lovely fragrance. Hummingbirds also enjoy the nectar. I’ve been enchanted by several sightings of these beautiful, tiny aerial fighters as they squabble over the blooms. Just beyond the lush green lawn, a deer wanders back and forth browsing and sampling tasty bits around the fig orchard.
The Art of Rest – For Both Caregivers and Their Loved-Ones
Whenever the topic of preventing dementia comes up, one item that seems to rise to the top of the list is rest – usually in the form of sleep. As in ‘get enough sleep each night’. While that is great advice, there are aspects of rest that need to happen in your waking hours as well. The secret is to somehow find the balance between all the responsibilities you have for your loved one, and your own well-being.