Have you ever wondered what it felt like to experience dementia? Reunions are the perfect events for just that type of experience. Try gathering together with a large group of folks you are supposed to know because you all graduated from the same school 40 years earlier. I must confess that I spent a great deal of…
Author: seniajean
Upside Down and Backward
So there I was on the treadmill set for reverse and the wonderful memory of Mama and I walking back and forth in the pool came back to me. I remembered the statement someone had said about walking backward being good for memory and wondered if it was really true.
Keep Smell’n Them Flowers
His first rule of thumb: Be scent-conscious in your day-to-day life. “If you’re drinking a cup of coffee or tea, actually smell it before you drink it, and when eating food, smell it first,” he says. “If you do this on a regular basis, you will increase your sense of smell.”
Tips for help remembering nouns
The significant difference between normal lapses – such as forgetting an occasional noun such as someone’s name and worrisome memory loss is determined by the impact it has on your ability to function—your ability to do the things you want to do.
The onset of dementia brought about a surprising change in Mama. She developed a love for slapstick comedy. My genteel Mama who had always loved Broadway shows and Classical music suddenly enjoyed watching someone get a pie in the face. Of course, the masters of slapstick themselves, the “Three Stooges” zoomed to the top of…
Only the Lonely
Perhaps what is needed is a bit of coaching ahead of time to help folks know all that’s really needed is a smile, a touch, and a kind voice.
Managing Medications
Does your loved one take medications? A lot of them? This post just might help make it a bit more manageable In my research for ‘all things dementia’, I came across the following site: Managing Medications for People with Dementia dementiameds.com It is UK based, so some of the information might not apply, but there…
The Visitor
I recognize the sound of her footsteps in the hallway. Is she going to visit me? She’s here! I have to try to open my eyes or she’ll think I’m asleep. “Hi Mama”, she says with a bright smile. I wish I could respond to her greeting. She’s placing her hand under my chin, and turning…
Listen Up, Communication is More than Speech
Listening is essential. Your loved one may be trying to tell you something. It is important to listen.
The initial awareness of dementia brings to mind several concerns and fears both spoken and unspoken. Some are deep-seated and unconscious and others are at the surface. Not everyone is comfortable voicing their worries. Body language speaks volumes. As soon as you become aware of an issue, listen purposefully for both the verbal and non-verbal messages.
Sing, sing, singing the blues away
Are you feeling blue? Overwhelmed? Take heart – or take up singing. The almost magical affect music has on those suffering from dementia are well established, but what about those who care for them? Here’s some good news: I just read about a study that showed a wonderful side-benefit to music therapy. It seems that…