The chocolate pill uses flavanols extracted from cocoa to improve blood flow and combat cholesterol levels, which help reduce dementia, strokes and heart attacks.
Author: seniajean
Self-defense training to help equip you in case of an attack
Ideally, never having to face a dangerous situation would be best, but since life isn’t always ideal, learning how to anticipate peril in order to avoid it would be the best way to keep yourself safe.
The Messenger
Mama was a messenger. Her life was a message that didn’t need words. This season also gave her family something else. Time. The extra time we were given allowed us the opportunity to show her honor.
“What can she do?”
At the end of the day, your loved one simply wants what we all want – to know we’re loved. Some days will be better than others, but remember: You’re doing the best you can, and so are they.
It’s beginning to look , (smell & sound) a lot like Christmas
Since the Christmas season is chalk full of sensory delights, this is the perfect time to take advantage of anything that could stir up memories in your loved one.
Activity ideas to help when your loved-one is bored or fidgety
Once you begin to look, you will discover a whole world of items designed to help give loved ones’ fingers something to do and perhaps reduce periods of agitation.
Jack Hansen re-retires (again)
There have been many changes in the world of education over the past several decades, but Jack believes that the one thing that has not changed is the need to interact with the kids and building relationships.
Joy has the ‘Wright’ idea
Joy operates on the principle that when she sees a need, she tries to fill it – not wait for someone else to come along. Well, she certainly filled a need at Recycle the Warmth – coming early and staying late.
Are you a Caregiver? Do you know one?
Remember, you can’t do it all whether you are the caregiver or friend. Sometimes the best help may be a welcome visit that provides a temporary distraction.
Tips for finding joy on the journey
Anything, no matter how silly it seems, if it helps your loved one feel as if they can still do something to contribute is a worthwhile activity.