Does your loved one take medications? A lot of them? This post just might help make it a bit more manageable
In my research for ‘all things dementia’, I came across the following site: Managing Medications for People with Dementia
It is UK based, so some of the information might not apply, but there are quite a few great tips on how to manage the vast volumes of medications that some of our loved ones have to take.
When I was managing my Mama’s multitudes of meds, it was overwhelming at times. My sister created a fabulous Excel doc that charted all the information regarding each medication. Among other things, it included the frequency, the dose, when it was last ordered, the RX number and even price. In spite of all the finger pokes, injections and pills (oh my), Mama remained fairly agreeable.
Mama’s general cooperation was something I was always very thankful for as I knew some had outright fights on their hands at times to give their loved-ones all the meds they needed. Even so, it was a challenge at times to get everything just right.
If you are on medication overload, check out this site and glean all the useful/helpful tidbits that can make meds aspect of caregiving a bit more manageable.
Please share any tips you have come across while attempting to conquer the medicine mountain.